Glorious Achievements of Sriwijaya University's COMNETS RG-ACM Student Chapter in 2024

We, the students of COMNETS Research Group-ACM Student Chapter of Sriwijaya University, express our highest appreciation to all colleagues for their trust and collaboration in supporting the outstanding achievements of COMNETS RG-ACM Student Chapter students at the industrial and international levels. The collaboration that was established throughout 2024 between several leading universities in Indonesia, Industry, and Government is a special achievement that [...]...

Congratulations & Success to Prof. Yanuandri Putrasari, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D on the inauguration of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Research Professor in Automotive Engineering expertise.

All students of the Scientific Group in the field of Computer Networks, Enterprise, and Information Security of Sriwijaya University would like to congratulate Prof. Yanuandri Putrasari, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. on the inauguration of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Research Professor in Automotive Engineering expertise. With the Oration title "Implementation of Alternative Fuel Injection Control to Support the Net Zero Emission Program" held [...].

Award to Ms. Nurul Afifah, S.Kom., M.Kom, as a Lecturer with Active Activities in the Industry in 2024 in the 18th Anniversary of the Faculty of Computer Science, Sriwijaya University.

All students of COMNETS - ACM Student Chapter of Sriwijaya University would like to congratulate and wish success to Ms. Nurul Afifah, S.Kom., M.Kom. for being the Lecturer with the most active activities in the industry in 2024 which was approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science of Sriwijaya University, Prof. Dr. Erwin, S.Si., M.Si., at the 18th Dies Natalies celebration of the Faculty of Computer Science of Sriwijaya University which was held [...].

Award to Prof. Deris Setiawan, M.T., Ph.D as the Lecturer with the most Research as the chairman of 2024 and Lecturer who produces the most Graduates in 2024 in the 18th Anniversary of the Faculty of Computer Science, Sriwijaya University.

All Students of COMNETS - ACM Student Chapter Sriwijaya University would like to congratulate Prof. Deris Setiawan, M.T., Ph.D, IPU, ASEAN Eng, CPENT, LPT Master, CEH, CHFI, as the Coordinator of the Computer Network, Enterprise, and Information Security Research Group of Sriwijaya University as well as the Coordinator of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter of Sriwijaya University for being a Lecturer with [...].

Honorary Member Award from Asean Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO) to Prof. Deris Setiawan, M.T., Ph.D, IPU, ASEAN Eng, CPENT, LPT Master, CEH, CHFI.

All students of the Computer Network, Enterprise, and Information Security Scientific Group of Sriwijaya University would like to congratulate Prof. Deris Setiawan, M.T., Ph.D, IPU, ASEAN Eng, CPENT, LPT Master, CEH, CHFI, as the Coordinator of the Computer Network, Enterprise, and Information Security Scientific Group of Sriwijaya University as well as the Coordinator of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter of Sriwijaya University [...]...

COMNETS Achievement: Best Paper Award at the 11th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics 2024.

All students of the Computer Network, Enterprise, and Information Security Scientific Group would like to congratulate and wish success to Mr. Dendi Renaldo Permana, S.Kom, who is a Master's Degree to Doctoral Education for Excellent Scholars (PMDSU) student as well as a researcher in the field of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) at COMNETS RG Sriwijaya University, for obtaining the Best Paper which was authorized with number 008/BP/EECSI-IAES/IX/2024 in [...].

Capture RedHat operating system knowledge from RHCSA Experts

The collaboration between COMNETS Research Group of Sriwijaya University and Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter of Sriwijaya University organized the fourth talk series in September 2024. This COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series activity carries the theme "Basic Command & Container in RedHat Operating System." This activity presented three speakers, namely Edo Pratama, Ardi Tri Yudha, [...]

Fiber Optic Splicing welcomed with enthusiasm by UNSRI Faculty of Computer Science Students

Palembang, September 28, 2024 - The Computer Network, Enterprise and Information Security Research Group or commonly called COMNETS Research Group of Sriwijaya University in collaboration with the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) Student Chapter of Sriwijaya University held a COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series with the theme How to Fiber Optic Termination. This activity has two speakers who are lecturers [...]

COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series: How to Fiber Optic Termination

"COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series: How to Fiber Optic Termination" Technical Speakers: Adi Hermansyah, M.T. & Nurul Afifah, M.Kom. (Fasilkom UNSRI Lecturer and COMNETS RG UNSRI Researcher) Save the date and time:📆Saturday, September 28, 2024⏰At 09.00 WIB to Finish📍 Dr. Jaidan Jauhari Hall, S.Pd., M.T. (Fasilkom Unsri Bukit Palembang)Registration Link: Media Contact: UNSRI ACM Student ChapterEmail: infosec_unsri & acm_unsri

COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series: Basic Command & Container in RedHat Operating System

"COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series: Basic Command & Container in RedHat Operating System "Let's strengthen our capacity by exploring the basics of command and container management in RedHat operating system.Theoretical Speaker:M. Rafie Al Hamas (COMNETS Researcher)Technical Speakers:Edo Pratama & Ardi Tri Yudha (COMNETS Researchers) Save the date and time:📆Saturday, September 23 & 30, 2024⏰At 09.00 WIB to Finish💻Zoom MeetingRegistration Link: [...]

Enhance expertise in threat hunting through proactive detection in an effort to create a secure system, guided by Information Security Experts.

COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series - Understanding Threat Hunting Tools and Technologies presents an educational session about the technology and tools used by security analysts to detect vulnerabilities in the system. This material was delivered by Abdi Bimantara, S.Kom., COMNETS RG alumni who now works as a Security Analyst at PT Juke Solutions. In this session, the speaker discussed the importance of threat [...]

COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series: Understanding Threat Hunting Tools and Technologies

"COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series: Understanding Threat Hunting Tools and Technologies "Explore potential vulnerabilities in systems through an in-depth understanding of evolving tool and technology innovations.Speaker:Abdi Bimantara, S.Kom. (Security Analyst at PT. Juke Solutions) Save the date and time:📆Saturday, September 21, 2024⏰At 09.00 WIB to Finish💻Zoom MeetingRegistration Link: Media Contact: UNSRI ACM Student ChapterEmail: infosec_unsri & acm_unsri

Student focus in education on vulnerability complexity

Palembang, September 09, 2024 - COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series - Vulnerability to Exploit presented an educational session on vulnerability delivered by Indra Wicaksono, S.Kom, a COMNETS RG alumni who now works at SecLab Indonesia, who became a special speaker. The speaker discussed Ethical Hacking, which is the practice of testing the security of systems, networks and applications to find vulnerabilities or gaps [...]

COMNETS-ACM Talk Series: Vulnerability to Exploit

"COMNETS-ACM Talk Series: Vulnerability to Exploit "Presenting continuing education in the face of system modernization accompanied by potential vulnerabilities due to technological sophistication. Speaker:Indra Wicaksono, S.Kom (Junior Cyber Security Consultant at SecLab Indonesia) Save the date and time:📆Monday, September 9, 2024⏰At 09.00 WIB to Finish💻Zoom MeetingRegistration Link: Media Contact: UNSRI ACM Student ChapterEmail: infosec_unsri & acm_unsri

Outstanding Achievements of Students of Computer Systems Department of UNSRI's COMNETS Research Group concentration

The brilliant achievements of students majoring in Computer Systems who are in the COMNETS Research Group concentration have achieved brilliant achievements in their career preparation. Collaboration with the Department of Computer Systems, Computer Engineering Study Program, Jarkom Lab and COMNETS. Media Contact: UNSRI ACM Student ChapterEmail: infosec_unsri & acm_unsriYoutube Channel: UNSRI ACM Student Chapter

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