Palembang, February 27, 2025 - In supporting the Reaccreditation Field Assessment activities of the Computer Engineering Study Program, COMNETS RG displays 2 products from COMNETS RG student research, namely the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Simulator and the Cyber Attack Defensive Shield Alliance System (SITAMPAN), which is a form of collaboration with industry. COMNETS RG is ready to support Computer Engineering [...]
Supporting Excellent Accreditation, ACM Student Chapter Coordinator of Sriwijaya University Reviews Computer Engineering Students' SMART Health Prototype
In order to support the increase in accreditation of the Computer Engineering Study Program, Prof. Deris Stiawan conducted a review of the Innovillage (SMART Health) prototype developed by Computer Engineering students under the guidance of Pak Adi Hermansyah, M.T.. This step is part of a strategic effort in preparing the study program towards the peak of achieving UNGGUL accreditation. COMNETS RG is ready to support Computer Engineering [...]
Digitalk: IndonesiaNEXT - A Form of Collaboration in Creating Top Digital Talent for Indonesian Students!
Digitalk : IndonesiaNEXT A joint collaboration in a digital talent development program that is open to all students in Indonesia from all majors with D3 to S2 education levels. The program, which will be held offline and online, aims to improve student competencies which are implemented through a series of programs, including: - National Webinar and Certification,- Ideation Bootcamp,- Digitalent Academy- [...]
COMNETS RG and Huawei Regional Sumatra synergize to strengthen innovation for Students and Lecturers of Fasilkom UNSRI
Collaborative discussion between COMNETS Research Group of Sriwijaya University and Huawei Indonesia Regional Sumatera in designing innovative opportunities that support the development of students and lecturers in Fasilkom UNSRI. This synergistic discussion between academics and industry was also attended by Mr. Ahmad Rifai, M.T. (Head of the Department of Information Systems, Fasilkom UNSRI), Mr. Huda Ubaya, M.T. (Secretary of the Department of Computer Systems, [...]...
COMNETS RG Researcher Presents at PMAC 2025: AI and Mental Health Collaboration for College Students
COMNETS RG researchers, Prof. Ir. Deris Stiawan, M.T., Ph.D., and Dr. (c). Latius Hermawan, in collaboration with researchers in the field of public health, Dr. dr. Rizma Adlia Syakurah, and researchers in the field of education, Dr. Meilinda, attended the Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand, on January 28 - February 2, 2025. This collaboration resulted in research [...]
Congratulations and Success for the outstanding achievement of COMNETS RG Students
Congratulations to the students of COMNETS RG-ACM Student Chapter of Sriwijaya University for their outstanding and proud achievement. Media Contact: UNSRI ACM Student ChapterEmail: infosec_unsri & acm_unsri