Enhance expertise in threat hunting through proactive detection in an effort to create a secure system, guided by Information Security Experts.

COMNETS-ACM Student Talk Series - Understanding Threat Hunting Tools and Technologies presenting educational sessions on the technology and tools used by security analyst to detect vulnerabilities in the system. This material was delivered by Abdi Bimantara, S.Kom., COMNETS RG alumni who now works as a Security Analyst at PT. Juke Solutions.

In this session, speakers discussed the importance of threat hunting in the system, which plays a role in proactive detection of suspicious or potentially threatening activities. By conducting threat hunting on a regular basis, system security can be strengthened, while minimizing the impact of recovery in the event of a security breach. In addition, the speaker also explained the latest tools and technologies used by security analysts in the process of hunting threats in the system. This activity was attended by 100 students from Computer Systems, Informatics Engineering, and Information Systems majors.

Media Contact: UNSRI ACM Student Chapter
Instagraminfosec_unsri & acm_unsri

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